Privacy Policy

In order to protect your privacy when using YABI CISCO's various digital content and e-commerce related services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Service), Yabi Cisco will protect your personal privacy and personal information based on its commitment to protect and respect your privacy. Legal requirements for security; YABI CISCO Privacy Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as this policy) will help you understand how Yabi CISCO collects, processes, utilizes and protects personal information in this service and who we inform personal information to. Please read the following in detail content:
1. Collection and use of personal information
In accordance with Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you must be notified of the following matters regarding the collection, processing, and utilization of customer personal data. Please read carefully:
Scope of application
When you use this service or apply for, register, log in as a member, query, retrieve, read personal account information, order goods or services, use goods or services, obtain various goods or services and other related consumer information, participate in this service Online activities organized by the service, participating in advertising, marketing, product promotion activities, coupon surveys or prize giving activities organized by the service, or conducting satisfaction surveys, obtaining feedback, responding to your questions or information inquiries, providing and When improving this service, user experience survey and analysis and other customer services, in addition to the notices on the collection, processing and utilization of personal information in this service, please refer to the terms of service of this service. Yabisco will collect and process it in accordance with the following provisions. and use of your personal data. Secondly, when you browse the web pages of this service, Yabi Cisco will automatically receive and record the information on your computer and browser, including IP address, information in cookies, software and hardware attributes, and web page records you browse; when you use For the APP services provided by Yabi Cisco, Yabi Cisco may receive and record the type and version information of your mobile device, UDID/device identification code, and the geolocation information provided by your mobile device to determine your location and usage preferences. Such information usually cannot be directly or indirectly identified as personal information, but if such information is sufficient to be directly or indirectly identified as personal information, Yabisco will notify the collection, use, and processing of personal information in accordance with the provisions of this article.
Within the scope of the above-mentioned specific purposes of use, Yabisco may inform Yabesco's third parties of some of the personal information you provide, and Yabisco will ensure that the third parties will strictly abide by this policy.
Except when necessary to comply with the requirements of laws, competent authorities or judicial units, or to protect legal claims, or to defend, or to prevent fraud or other illegal activities, Yabisco will not use or use the information to any extent unrelated to the purpose of collection. When transferring your personal information to a third party, Yabisco also promises not to sell or market your personal information to a third party.
This service website and the APP services provided may contain links to websites or webpages of other operators or use services provided by others. For these links or services that do not belong to Yabisco, you should understand their behavior in collecting personal information. Yabisco has no involvement in its content or privacy policy.
Collection purpose
The specific purposes of collecting, processing and using personal data are as follows: marketing business, internal management of membership rosters by legal persons, contracts, similar contracts or other legal relations, reservations, accommodation registration and ticket purchase business, legal transaction business of personal data, Consumers, customer management and services, business and technical information, information (communication) services, information (communication) database management, information security and management, online shopping and other e-commerce services, auxiliary and logistical support management, Advertising or commercial behavior management, film and television, music and media management, surveys, statistics and research analysis, other businesses that are in compliance with business registration items or articles of association, and other consulting and consulting services (statutory special purpose item number is O4O, 052, 069, 077, 081, 090, 098, 135, 136, 137, 148, 150, 152, 15 3, 157, 181, 182). This service will collect personal information through member registration, online ordering, online messages, letters to customer service mailboxes, or during the process of providing services.
Collection categories
The collection, processing and use of personal data in this service is based on the "Specific Purposes and Categories of Personal Data" promulgated by the Ministry of Justice, including C001 personal identification, C002 financial identification, C003 government data identification, C011 Personal description, C021 Family situation, C024 Other social relationships, C035 Leisure life and interests, C036 Life style, C038 Occupation, C032 Property, C051 School records, C056 Writings, C073 Security details, C081 Financial details (income, income, assets and Investment), C093 financial transactions, C102 agreements or contracts, and other details such as the instructions or precautions for related activities or the contents of relevant contracts, and refer to the related business or services between Yabisco and you and the information received from you or others. The personal information actually collected shall prevail.
Period, region, object and method of use
Period of use: Unless otherwise provided by law, until the date you request to stop using your personal information or Yabisco stops providing this service.
Method of use: Complying with the relevant personal data protection laws and using automated machines or other non-automated methods of use.
In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Law, you may exercise the following rights with respect to the personal data provided:
Inquiry or request to view.
Request a copy.
Request an addition or correction.
Request to stop collection, processing or use.
Request removal.
If you want to exercise the above rights, you can contact the customer service of this service to apply. However, for inquiries or requests to read personal information or to make copies, this service may charge a necessary cost of NT60 per item.
You are free to choose whether to provide personal information to Yabisco, but you are responsible for refusing to provide the information required to complete the registration process to become a member or to use Yabsco services, or if the information provided is incomplete, it may result in the inability to enjoy the full experience. The service may be completely unavailable. For example, if the ID card number is not provided, the user will not be able to participate in marketing activities, cancellations and refunds organized by the service; if the date of birthday is not provided, the user will not be able to receive birthday discounts, etc. Yabisco is also unable to confirm the authenticity of your identity based on the information you provide, or whether there are other instances of fraudulent use, theft, or false information of your personal information. If the information you provide is forged or untrue, you shall bear all civil and criminal legal responsibilities.
2. Information Sharing and Disclosure
When you browse the webpage of this service, this service will automatically receive and record information on your computer and browser, including IP address, information in cookies, software and hardware attributes, and webpage records you browse. When you use Yabi For the APP services provided by Cisco, Yabi Cisco may receive and record the type and version information of your mobile device, UDID/device identification code, and the geolocation information provided by your mobile device to determine your location and usage behavior preferences (hereinafter referred to as "Relevant information").
After this service records relevant information, in order to provide you with better services and provide personalized service content based on your needs, this service will send you relevant specific messages, such as service announcements, marketing advertisements, management messages and other related information.
In order to improve your user experience and the overall service quality of this service, this service may add new categories of marketing messages on the marketing preference setting page from time to time. Users who browse the page can choose to opt out of receiving new categories of marketing messages, and follow the instructions or operation guide in the received messages to unsubscribe from these messages. However, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this service website or APP service.
Advertisers on the Service include financial service providers (such as banks, insurance agents, securities brokers and mortgage lenders) and non-financial companies (such as stores, airlines and software companies). Advertisers (including ad delivery companies) may assume that those who view, click on or interact with marketing ads meet marketing criteria. By viewing or interacting with an ad, you agree that advertisers may assume that you meet the marketing criteria used for display advertising.
When Yabisco provides personal information to affiliated companies or other trusted companies or persons, it will require others to abide by Yabesco's instructions as well as this policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures, and handle such information on its behalf.
Yabisco will share your personal information with other companies, institutions or individuals when the access, use, preservation or disclosure of personal information is reasonably necessary to achieve the following purposes:
To comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal process or governmental executive orders.
Enforce applicable these Terms of Service, including investigation of possible violations.
Detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues.
To protect the rights, property or safety of Far EasTone, Far EasTone, users or the public from harm as required by law or within the legal scope.
3. Cookies
This service will set and access the cookie information of this service on your computer.
The Service allows other companies that advertise on certain Service pages to set and access cookies on your computer. Other companies will use their cookies according to their own privacy policies, not in accordance with this policy. Advertisers or other companies cannot access the cookie information of this service.
This service will use network beacons to access cookies related to products and services inside and outside our website.
4. UDID/device identification code
Yabisco will set up and access Yabesco's UDID/device identification information on your mobile device.
Yabi Cisco uses your UDID/device identification code to provide you with a better personalized experience and fast and accurate customer service processing, and does not use it to identify users.
According to the iOS/android developer's UDID/device identification usage specifications, when you reset your UDID/device identification, we will not associate your old and new UDID/device identification with enough identification. At the same time, the records and data related to the UDID/device identification number will also disappear.
5. Confidentiality and Security
Yabisco will provide your personal information to employees who Yabisco reasonably believes are necessary to provide products or services to you or to perform their jobs.
This service host is equipped with firewalls, anti-virus and other information security measures, including operating procedures, technology and other aspects.
This service has implemented physical, electronic and procedural safeguards.
6. Revision of privacy protection policy
The Service reserves the right to revise this policy at any time. If there are major changes in the processing of personal data, this service will notify you by sending it to the primary email address you specify in the system, or by posting a notice on the service website.
7. Handling of copyright infringement
If you believe that any content or information in this service or this service website has infringed upon your copyright, please provide the following information:
The name, address and contact number, fax number, e-mail address or other automatic contact method of the right holder or his/her agent and the name of the infringed work or publication.
A statement requesting that content that infringes copyright or copyright be removed or made inaccessible to others.
It is sufficient for Yabisko to know the relevant information of the infringing content and its access path.
A statement indicating that the rights holder believes in good faith that the infringing content is not legally authorized or violates copyright law.
Indicate relevant information and statements such as the obligee's willingness to bear legal responsibility if any untruth causes harm to others, and send it to the customer service mailbox of this service after being signed or stamped.
If you believe that you have not infringed the copyright of others, please provide the following information:
The name, address and contact telephone number, fax number or email address of the user or his/her agent.
A statement requesting a response to content that was removed or otherwise inaccessible. Sufficient information relevant to the content of the reply is known to Yabisco.
It indicates that the user has good faith and believes that it has the legal right to exploit the content, and that the content has been removed or made inaccessible to others due to untrue or incorrect statements made by the rights holder or its agent.
Agree that Yabisco will forward the reply notice to the rights holder or his agent.
Indicate relevant information and statements such as the user's willingness to bear legal responsibility if any untruth causes harm to others, and send it to the customer service mailbox of this service after being signed or stamped.
8. Principles for handling suspected infringement of your copyright
In order to respect intellectual property rights, Yabisco will handle any content or information in this service or this service website that is suspected of infringing upon your intellectual property rights as follows:
After receiving the notice from the right holder, Yabisco will promptly remove the content claimed by the right holder to be involved in copyright infringement, and notify the user of the infringement according to the contact information agreed by the user or the contact information retained by the user. Love affair. Yabisco may provide the processing situation, including the name, email or phone number of the rights holder, to the user so that the user can directly communicate with the rights holder to resolve the dispute. If the notification of copyright infringement is incomplete, Yabisco will notify the rights holder to correct the relevant information.
If the user's content is claimed by the rights holder to be infringing upon his/her copyright, once the content is deleted by Yabesco, Yabesco will no longer be able to reply. In addition, if a user is involved in infringement three times, Yabisco will terminate all or part of the user's service.
However, if the user disagrees with the infringement claimed by the rights holder, the user can submit a notification document and request Yabisco to forward the notification document to the rights holder to express his objection; if the user's notification is incomplete, Yabisco will Bisco will notify users to correct the relevant information. After receiving the notification document in the preceding paragraph, Yabisco will immediately forward the notification document to the rights holder. If the rights holder fails to provide proof that a lawsuit has been filed against the user within ten working days from the day after receiving the notification document, the user will be able to re-upload the content on his own.
If the notification from the aforementioned rights holder or user is incomplete, Yabisco may correct the relevant information via the email or fax notification provided by the right holder or user.
The rights holder or user must complete the correction within five working days from the day after receiving the notice of correction from Yabisco. If the correction is not made within the time limit or the correction is incomplete, it shall be regarded as failure to notify according to the provisions of the Copyright Law.
Except with the user's consent or for the purpose of providing services, Yabisco may only provide the user's identification information to third parties in accordance with the requirements of laws or government agencies. Therefore, if you make a report in accordance with this principle, Yabisco will only remove the infringing content according to your request and will not provide you with identifying information about the user. If you want to obtain the user information, you should file a complaint with the District Court Prosecutor's Office or the Criminal Police Department. Yabisco will provide the user information immediately after receiving a letter from the issuing unit requesting the user information.
9. Questions and Suggestions
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Yabisco through the customer service mailbox of this service.

Version 2024.01